Automatically import PDF DWG DXF files

Previous versions:
Version 2.2

Version x32 1.7
Version x64 1.7

Version History:

Version 2.3
Release on 17.02.2024

1. Added selection of .dwt file template, for files created.

Version 2.0
Release on 04.06.2022

1. Select active profile for different settings
2. Choosing which space to insert (Model, Layout)
3. Embedding Pictures in Existing DWG Files
4. Inserting rasters as OLE (embedding) in DWG files
5. Separate PDF file with new line when pasted
6. Separate PDF page on a separate tab (Layout)
7. Display the number of PDF pages in the file table
8. Change the scale for different UNITS (same dimensions if the original ones are in millimeters and inches)
9. Spacing by insertion points
10. Paste the text of the file name next to the snippet
11. Import DXF into nanoCAD

Version 1.7
Release on 04.06.2022

1. Correction of entering the value of the interval with a comma
2. Added setting for creating page borders (not recommended to disable)

Version 1.6
Release on 05.08.2021

1. Correction of the import algorithm for .dwg and .dxf

Version 1.5
Release on 07.11.2020

1. On platform Framework 4.6

Version 1.4
Release on 14.10.2020

1. Added - import DWG files to coordinates 0,0,0 or to the original.
2. Fixed - import DGN files.

Version 1.3
Release on 21.07.2020

1. Fixed - the old file extension remained in the file name.

Version 1.2
Release on 07.06.2020

1. Added - save the file when importing to a new file.
2. Added - close the file after import.
3. Added - open the file folder after import.

Version 1.1
Release on 31.05.2020

Version 1.0
First release on 15.05.2020

Copyright © Dmitrii Kirillov. All rights reserved.
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